Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Idigo, roi des Agouléris, avant sa conversion

Idigo, king of the Agouleris, before his conversion

“…the Father pronounces his first homily and announces his intention to constitute a Mission. In response to his words, Idigo [chief of the Aguleris] bows down before his idols, exclaiming: “Oh my deities, I am grateful that you have sent me this White today. There will be happiness and peace for all. – Leave your idols, responds P. Lutz, they have nothing to do with my arrival.” (pp. 212-213)

Location: Aguleri, Alaigbo | Date: 1902 | Credit: J.B. Piolet


  1. Thank you for all your hard work, I may not comment or contribute but believe me when I say I stalk your blog for information. Thank you again :)
